Amaia Lopetegui, Congreso Cuidados

Director of Gautena – Gipuzkoa Society for Autism

Amaia has been the Director of Gautena – Gipuzkoa Society for Autism since 2017. The entity, constituted in 1978, has the mission of working for the quality of life of people with ASD and their families in Gipuzkoa, both through the vindication of their rights and social awareness, and through the direct provision of services with a high level of specialisation.

In this context, it works in close collaboration with the different administrations involved in achieving this goal, with special emphasis on the areas of Social Policy, Education and Health, among others.

Amaia represents Gautena in FEVAS Plena Inclusión Euskadi, an association of Basque entities that works for the rights of people with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their families. She takes part in Autismo España and Autismo Europa, being a member of its Board of Directors. She also belongs to the Board of Trustees of Gertuan Fundazioa, focused on the provision of support measures for the exercise of legal capacity.

From her position as Director of an Association of Families, she demands personalised support, with a community, integral and coherent approach throughout the whole life cycle, and that the participation of people with ASD and their families in the design of their life projects is guaranteed.

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