Provincial Deputy for Social Policies, Provincial Council of Alava
– Degree in Sociology, in the branches of urban sociology and sociology, UPV-EHU (1993-1998).
– University Specialist in Migrations, Postgraduate UPV-EHU (2002)
– Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) of the doctorate “Comparative government and political analysis” (2003-2005).
Basque: EGA
Professional and political career
– Mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz (from June 2015 to June 2023)
– Spokesperson of EAJ-PNV in the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz (since 2011)
– He combines his profession with that of EAJ-PNV representative in the JJGG of Alava (2007-2011).
– Career civil servant of the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz. Sociologist position in the technical team of the Department of Social Intervention (2000-2011).
– Member of the Board, JJGG Álava (2007-2011)