Director of the Directorate for Families and Children of the Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies, Basque Government
– Computer management.
– Specialisation in Administrative Management.
– Law studies at the UNED.
Professional career
– Civil servant in local administration from 1992-2018. Administrative Management.
– Cabinet Advisor in the Department of Employment and Social Policies of the Basque Government (2018-2019).
– Director of Family Policy and Diversity, Department of Employment and Social Policies of the Basque Government (2019-2020).
– Councillor, Agurain Town Council (2019-2023).
Other positions and activities
– Head of Social Action and Equality in the Nationalist Party in Alava (2012-2019).
– Member of the Provincial Council of Alava (2015-2018). Spokesperson in the Social Welfare Commission and Coordinator of the Paper on Financing of Local Entities.
– Member of various bodies such as the Governing Board of the Mutua Foral de Álava, Elkarkidetza.
– President for several years of social associations in the municipality of Agurain, such as the AMPA of the Lope de Larrea Ikastola.
– My interest in social issues has led me to take part in many courses and conferences on social rights, children’s rights, cultural identity, conflict management, negotiation and mediation…
– I have participated as a speaker at numerous conferences and seminars (Conference on children’s rights organised by the Andalusian Ombudsman, the Euskalit Advanced Management Conference, Conferences organised by the Association for Management Development, Congress Opening Paths to Conciliation, XIV National Conference on Psychology against Gender Violence, Summer Courses at the University of the Basque Country,…).