9:00 – 09:30

Care and receive care with rights, in freedom and equality. Bases for an agreement for care in the basque country

Nerea Melgosa. Councillor for Equality, Justice and Social Policies of the Basque Government

9:30 – 10:30

People’s voice

Dialogues with caregivers, family and professionals, and care receivers
Moderator: Beatriz Gázquez. 3D Social Movement
10:40 – 12:00

Sala Z

Simultaneous session 3. Defamilize and defeminize care and ensure quality care

Session 3.1. Defamilizing and defeminizing care work

Matxalen Legarreta. University of the Basque Country
Dolors Comas d’Argemir. Rovira i Virgili University [online]
Miren Elgarresta. Emakunde – Basque Institute for Women
Irune Muguruza. Directorate for Families and Children, Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies, Basque Government

Moderator: Marixe Noya.Oreka Sarea

Session 3.2. Ensuring quality and promoting innovation

Carlos Alfonso. Department of Care and Social Policies, Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
Patricia Andrés Glaria. Social Services Secretariat of the Autonomous Body of the Foral Institute of Social Welfare, Provincial Council of Alava
Elixabete Elordi. Long-Term Care Transition Plan, Provincial Council of Biscay

Moderator: Javier Castro. GIZALAB Foundation

12:10 – 13:30

 Nave 2

Simultaneous session 4. Sustainability of care

Session 4.1. Ensure ethical and sustainable care from a personal and social point of view

Marije Goikoetxea. University of Deusto
Brígida Argote. Provincial Institute of Social Welfare, Provincial Council of Alava
Amaia Saenz de Ormijana. Araba Integrated Health Care Organisation
Txetxu Ausín. The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Irune Galarraga. Directorate-General for Public Bodies, Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa 

Moderator: Lucía Martínez Virto. Public University of Navarre

Session 4.2. Ensuring affordable and economically sustainable care

Joan Costa i Font. London School of Economics [online]
Concepción Patxot. University of Barcelona
Raúl del Pozo. University of Castilla-La Mancha

Moderator: Elena Martínez-Tola. University of the Basque Country
13:40 – 14:15


14:15 – 14:30


Lide Amilibia. Vice-minister of Social Policies. Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies. Basque Government