Research Scientist and Director of the Institute of Philosophy of the CSIC (Applied Ethics Group GEA).
D. in Philosophy from the University of the Basque Country (extraordinary prize), he is a visiting professor at several universities and collaborates with the Globernance Institute for Democratic Governance.
His areas of work are public ethics, bioethics, human rights and the philosophy of disruptive technologies. [Member of the OECD Expert Group on Research ethics and new forms of data for social and economic research.] Editor and author of several works on these topics, he was the founder of the electronic journal of applied ethics DILEMATA [www.dilemata.net].
He is currently a member of the research teams of EmpoderDAT: Empoderamiento del paciente, espacio de datos de salud e inteligencia artificial como pilares del nuevo sistema sanitario [Fundación Séneca]; Detección y eliminación de sesgos en algoritmos de salud [Fundación BBVA]; and BAKARZAIN: Soledad no deseada y cuidados [BBK Kuna].
President of the CSIC Ethics Committee and member of the AIHUB-CSIC steering committee, he also collaborates in the ESPACyOS Network (Health Ethics for Action, Care and Social Observation) and in the Expert Committee on Ageing of the Fundación General CSIC.