Organizing Committe:

The Organising Committee coordinates, supervises and implements all programmatic aspects of the Congress. The Organising Committee is composed  of the following members:

  • Karmele Acedo. CEO Integrated Social Services Group (SSI)
  • Erkuden Aldaz. Co-Director of Matia Institute
  • Félix Arrieta. Lecturer/Professor at the University of Deusto
  • Javier Castro-Espila. GIZALAB, Centre for Social Policy Innovation
  • Jaime García. Coordinator of EDE Knowledge
  • Josune Irabien. Secretary General of Emakunde – Basque Women’s Institute
  • Matxalen Legarreta. Lecturer/Professor at the University of the Basque Country
  • Rafael Lopez-Arostegui. Advisor in social policies at the Basque Government´s Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies
  • Elena Martínez-Tola. Professor and researcher at the University of the Basque Country
  • Lucía Martínez Virto. Professor at the Public University of Navarre
  • Irune Muguruza. Directorate for Families and Children, Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies, Basque Government
  • Marixe Noya. Founding partner of Oreka Sarea
  • Marian Olabarrieta. Director of Social Services, Department of Equality, Justice and Social Policies. Basque Government
  • José Antonio de la Rica. Director of Social and Health Care of the Basque Government Health Department
  • Dominique Saillard. Founding partner of Oreka Sarea
  • Rakel San Sebastián. General Manager of the Adinberri Foundation
  • Joseba Zalakain. Director of the SIIS – Social Information and Research Service