Director of Social Services, Department of Employment and Social Policies of the Basque Government.

– Master in Educational Guidance and Intervention, ALBOR-COHS Group (September-1990 to June-1992).
ALBOR-COHS (September-1990 to June-1992)
– Degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences (Pedagogy section), University of Deusto (September-1984 to June-1989).

Professional career
– Director of Social Services (Basque Government) (2019-current)
– Provincial Deputy for Social Services (Provincial Council of Alava) (2016-2019)
– Director of Social Services (Provincial Council of Alava) (2016)
– Member of the Social Action, Culture, Sport, Equality and Cooperation Committees (Provincial Council of Alava) (2003-2016)
– Pedagogue of the technical team of Occupational Centres and Residences of the Area of People with Disabilities of the Foral Institute of Social Welfare (IFBS), as interim staff (1989-2016).
– Councillor of Amurrio Town Council (Amurrio Town Council) (2003-2011)