Flaviana Teodosiu. Head of the European Commission’s Long-Term Care Team.

Academic background in political science and international relations. working for the European Commission since 2004, first in the European Commission delegation in Bucharest, Romania and, since 2008, in Brussels. In charge of managing the european commission's representations in the member states and their related information networks between 2008 and 2011, then working in DG Employment on social inclusion and social protection policies.

Academic background in political science and international relations. She has been working for the European Commission since 2004, first in the European Commission Delegation in Bucharest (Romania) and, since 2008, in Brussels. In charge of managing the European Commission Representations in the Member States and their related information networks between 2008 and 2011, then working in the Directorate-General for Employment on social inclusion and social protection policies.

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by Flaviana Teodosiu. Head of the European Commission’s Long-Term Care Team.

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